Rebecca Dopplet, MFT is a therapist and founder of Doppelt Family Therapy in Los Angeles. Rebecca (she/her) currently provides telehealth therapy to those residing in California.
What is your therapy philosophy? (why I do what I do)
I believe that authenticity is the key to happiness and fulfillment. If we are always "on," are people-pleasers or we compromise our boundaries, we will experience discomfort. Finding a way to be honest and genuine, as often as possible, this is how we can live our best lives. I relish the opportunity to aid people in achieving these goals.
What do you specialize in?
My specialty is relational trauma. This refers to any rupture in a relationship that causes distress or discomfort. Relationships are complicated: Sometimes we seem to date the same person over and over. Or we struggle to keep friendships. Perhaps we have a history of conflict with roommates or bosses. Of course, relationships within families can consistently be challenging. These are the areas I focus on- helping my clients recognize patterns in their lives and making adjustments so as to feel fulfilled and safe in relation to others.
My sub-speciality is betrayal trauma. This occurs any time we assume a relationship is safe and then come to learn that it is not. Classically, this manifests as cheating or adultery. However, betrayal occurs in any form of abuse, domestic violence, assault, theft, and even in systems of work or government. I integrate relational trauma therapy with grief work to address these betrayals.
Additionally, I really enjoy working with anxiety. Send me all your panic attacks, your nail biters, foot-tappers and worriers. This is my jam! Let's soothe the nervous system, get some oxygen flowing back into those muscles, slow the heart rate and racing thoughts; find a respite of relief. Then, let's work together to figure out how to prevent the anxiety flare-ups going forward and manage them better when they do recur.
What are three adjectives that describe you as a therapist?

Patient, empathic, humorous.
What's one thing you feel could be better understood about therapy?
Therapy is not just for "crazy people." I hear versions of this sentiment all the time, particularly from clients of certain generations or cultural backgrounds. Fearing judgement from others for seeking therapy is a terrible thing to face. Choosing to address one's problems head on, tolerating discomfort, examining oneself, exploring new ways of being- these are acts of bravery. Everyone who willingly seeks therapy and tries in earnest to change themself should be commended. It's the ultimate adulting.
What's a therapy tool you use yourself?
One tool in particular that I use is bilateral stimulation (BLS). The backbone of EMDR, BLS is any successive sensation on either side of your midline. Like walking or tapping one's hands or feet in a left-right-left-right pattern. Applying BLS allows our nervous systems to process triggers faster and more effectively by signaling the left and right hemispheres of your brain to fire in an alternating pattern. It can expedite relief, prevent long term trauma symptoms and even help us feel happiness in a deeper way than we are accustomed. I highly recommend discussing BLS as a tool with your therapist. Or call me.
What's one thing you might share with someone who has never been to therapy?
Clients need to shop around before selecting a therapist. All research over time regarding the efficacy of therapy has come to the same conclusion: A client will only thrive if they are a good fit with the clinician. If the relationship between the client and clinician is safe and attuned, the client will accomplish their goals regardless of the therapist's training or background.
What's a common misconception about therapy?
Therapists will blame everything on your mother.
This is untrue.
Your father is just as much to blame. (At least in a heteronormative household.)
In seriousness, I always ask about a client's upbringing. This is in an attempt to learn what shaped personality development, coping skills or lack thereof, fears and strengths, etc. In other words, your mother is not to blame, but we need to discuss her role in your life.
Anything else you'd like to share?
Limit your consumption of news and social media.
Seek intimate partners who share your values.
Notice small moments of joy.
How can we contact you?
Phone Number: 213-255-5652